The Negative Side Effects of Social Media on Students
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The Negative Side Effects of Social Media on Students

Some of The Negative Side Effects of Social Media on Students such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter and YouTube are described below. Social Media sites are the perfect place to share information and build relationships with those near and far. However, when we depend too heavily on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok to build our self-esteem and esteem from others, it can negatively impact our lives offline in major ways – especially as students. Here are some of the negative side effects of social media on students that you should be aware of before you join any platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or YouTube.

Attention issues

Many parents are wary that their children will have attention issues because they spend so much time on social media. The rise in students with ADHD is a direct result of the use of smartphones and tablets. Symptoms include impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and difficulty concentrating.

Lack of sleep

Today, more than ever before, students are under a lot of pressure. This is because they spend so much time on social media. A study found that out of 300 secondary school pupils in the UK, 96% had their mobile phones with them at bedtime and 60% used their phones for social media after lights out. Not only does this deprive you from quality sleep, but it also prevents your body from regenerating properly.

Mental health issues

It is a great tool to connect with others, but it can also be harmful. One way that social media has been shown to cause mental health issues is through social comparison. When people are constantly comparing themselves to others, they can begin to feel inadequate and unhappy with themselves. This feeling can worsen as they scroll through their feed and see perfect images.

Physical issues like back pain, neck pain and more

Too much time spent on social media can lead to a variety of physical issues, from back pain to neck pain and more. Sitting for long periods is known to cause back and neck pain, however when coupled with scrolling through your phone for hours, it can exacerbate these symptoms. Studies show that the average person spends an hour per day looking at their phone screen. In addition, prolonged sitting has been linked to obesity and diabetes due to a reduction in insulin sensitivity and increased levels of glucose intolerance.

Academic issues

Social media has many negative effects on students. One issue is that it can distract them from their studies. A second issue is that some social media platforms such as Twitter, Whatsapp and Tik Tok have been found to be detrimental to mental health and are linked to depression, anxiety and low self-esteem in children.

Social issues

Due to the popularity of social media, young people are spending an excess amount of time on their phone or computer. Some studies have shown that persons who spend more than 02 hours in a day using any type of media are at high risk for depression and other mental illnesses. There is also a correlation between excessive social media use and low self-esteem. The connection between social media apps and depression has been studied extensively.

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