How Print Books help Preschoolers Learn
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How Print Books help Preschoolers Learn

Reading to preschool children can have many benefits, but one of the most significant is that it helps the kids develop the skills necessary to learn how to read on their own, as well as other important cognitive skills like memory, imagination, and attention span. Print books are especially good for this because they provide children with the ability to see, hear, and interact with text in all of these ways. Here’s how print books help preschoolers learn.

Why Read Books?

Print books offer children a way to engage with stories and characters without the need for a screen. They can hold and touch the book, feel the pages, and trace the words with their fingers as they read. This helps them learn about print and how to follow a story from left to right. Plus, looking at the pictures in a book helps them understand what they're reading.

Let’s read more than once

Books provide an opportunity for children to have uninterrupted, one-on-one time with an adult. This is especially important for young children who are still developing their language skills. When you read with your child, you are modeling how reading works and helping your child develop a love for books and learning.

Let’s talk about the book!

Preschoolers are developing their literacy skills and love of reading when they engage with print books. Books provide opportunities for children to practice a wide variety of skills, from learning new vocabulary to following a story line. In addition, looking at the pictures and turning the pages of a book helps children develop fine motor skills. Print books also offer a chance for grownups to bond with their little ones as they share the experience of reading together.

Let’s look at picture books together

Picture books are a great way to introduce your child to the world of reading. They can help your child learn new words, understand different concepts, and develop a love for reading. Plus, they’re just plain fun! Sit down with your child and enjoy a picture book together today.

Let’s listen to our favorite story on CD

Books on CD are great for car rides and can help pass the time, but they don’t have the same effect as reading a print book does. When we read a book, we use our imagination more and we get lost in the story more. We also get to see the pictures and sometimes even feel the texture of the pages. All of these things help us understand and enjoy the story more. Plus, when we read a book, we can share it with someone else and talk about it afterwards.

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