Mental Health of Children after the Pandemic
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Mental Health of Children after the Pandemic

The Current Crisis

Mental Health

Since the pandemic started, we have noticed an increase in the number of incidents involving our youth's mental health. Yes, more children are being sent to hospitals in central Florida for mental health problems and doctors are now urging parents to be vigilant. As Pakistan also experiences the same crisis, we have more information about what you can do to take care of your children.

Let's Hear What the Doctors Think

Neuroscientists with a giant chart of human brain and a heart icon

In Central Florida, therapists and child life professionals advise parents to be vigilant. First and foremost, keep your eyes open. A mental health therapist reports that over the past year, there has been an increase in such acts. Parents get a shock when they admit to a psychiatric facility. Sometimes they don't comprehend, and certain other times they were unaware that their child was going through a challenging scenario to the point where they made an effort to harm themselves.

What Does the Survey Reveal?

In a survey of parents conducted by the national association on mental illness, 44% of respondents expressed concern about their kids' mental health during the pandemic (Research by Canadian Researchers). However, only 16% looked for assistance for them. Psychologists discuss with parents what they believe happened after a baker act with their child, how to proceed, and precise details on the diagnosis and treatment plan.

How Does Someone Feel When Diagnosed?

Feeling on Mental Health
Feeling on Mental Health

The initial diagnosis is always the most terrifying because it represents the worst-case scenario. We're in a trauma centre. Like any other medical condition, mental health issues need a diagnosis before they can be treated. You must feel at ease engaging in open dialogue to arrive at an appropriate strategy. We need to figure out how to positively and securely encourage them to get through their hospital stay.

More Women than Men Suffer Mental Health?

Men vs Women Mental Health
Men vs Women Mental Health

There were 278 cases of the baker act treated at Arnold Palmer Hospital between May 2021 and March 2022. For a few months, nearly every day saw a new patient, most of whom were young women. There were 202 female patients and 76 male patients. Rather than asking for assistance face-to-face, some young women may turn to social media to avoid stigma. They often look to their peers and social media for guidance, but this may not always lead them to reliable or helpful information.

How Parents Should Act Regarding Mental Health?

Parents on Mental Health
Parents on Mental Health

By incorporating at-home self-care practices into the hospital stay, parents play a crucial part in the healing process. Parents shouldn't react badly to this news. Don't let the stigma get to you. Discuss it openly. We want to know what we can do as a family to help our sick child recover. You can get more on providing support to college students by reading our blog: How Providing Advanced Mental Help to College Students Can Prevent a National Crisis

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